We are delighted to announce that ‘The Art of Business Communication’ by Graham Shaw has been shortlisted for the Chartered Management Institute Management Book of the Year Awards 2016. The competition is held in association with the British Library and sponsored by Henley Business School.

A record number of books were entered into this year’s competition across five categories: Management Futures; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Practical Manager; Commuter’s Read; and Management and Leadership Textbook.
The winner of each category, as well as the overall winner, will be announced at an awards evening at the British Library on 8th February 2016.
Graham’s book is shortlisted in the Practical Manager category.
The book teaches the reader how to get their ideas across visually in simple sketches. This is a very practical skill for managers, enabling them to convey their thoughts quickly and effectively.
Learn Practical Tips Now - Click here for to learn great tips from Graham’s book in a blog article on the CMI competition website.
The CMI blog includes Graham's talk at TEDx Hull. Title: 'Why people believe they can't draw - and how to prove they can.' Over ONE MILLION people have watched it so far! Find out more about TED and watch Graham's TEDx talk by clicking here.
Click to learn more about how the book can help you - and see a video demonstration of the skills you can learn from it.

A quick sketch is a great way to convey your ideas and make them memorable
The CMI shortlist enables you to see at a glance the books considered to be essential reads for managers“Many thousands of books on how to become a better manager are published every year. Our shortlist directs managers and leaders to those books that will make a definite difference to how they think and act as true management and leadership professionals. For those passionate about their career, the progressive and practical lessons within these books must be considered essential reads.”
Ann Francke, CMI Chief Executive.
A full list of the shortlisted books and more details on the expert judging panel are available via the competition website
Follow @cmi_managers #managementgold on Twitter to get tips, advice and information on the books in this year’s competition.
Follow @britishlibrary @HenleyBSchool to keep up to date with them too.
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'The Art of Business Communication' is also available on